Sanitary Bins for Commercial Facilities

Commercial Building

As a Facilities Manager, we know it’s frustrating and time consuming for you to deal with unhappy staff and tenants complaining about smelly bathrooms or overflowing sanitary bins.  We know that you want to deal with a company who will be consistent, reliable, pro-active, contactable and respond quickly when you need it.

How We Help Facility Managers.
Since 2010, we’ve been listening to and shaping our service offering to the needs of facility managers.  We provide reliable products like sanitary bins and air scenting and a team of people you can trust to get on with the job so you can get on with yours.  Our staff consistently meet the high standards we set around four key service principles:  respect, responsiveness, reliability and results.

With your staff, visitors and tenants getting the clean, hygienic bathrooms they deserve, you’ll have more time to focus on the big stuff.  

We can tailor a sanitary bins and hygiene package that meets your expectations and this could include anything else you need such as hand soap, paper towel, toilet paper, air scenting, nappy bins, urinal sanitisers, toilet seat sanitising and more.


Refresh Service GuaranteeOur Service is Guaranteed

We are so confident we’ll make good on our commitments, we offer all customers a Refresh Service Guarantee. If we fail to provide a scheduled service visit, we’ll give you 3 for Free.^

Mon-Fri: 9:00am – 4:30pm
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